When clicking on each drop-down, you will be presented with a demo of the feature in Neovim following [my configuration](https://github.com/Feel-ix-343/Neovim-Config) ^demoExpl
# Completions
## Implemented Completions Features
- ^implCompletion
- ^linking
<summary>Wikilink Completions to Files and Headings</summary>
<summary>Markdown Link Completions to Files and Headings</summary>
<summary>(helix + zed not support yet): Block Completions: Fuzzy search through your files and link to any *block* of text</summary>
to use this, type `[[`, and after you press space, completions for every block in the vault will appear; continue typing to fuzzy match the block that you want; finally, select the block; a link will be inserted to the text document and an index (ex ^1j239) will be appended to the block in its respective file. In Neovim, this text will not be written yet into the file (it will be edited in an unsaved buffer) so type `:wall`, and it should be resolved (as long as you have `dynamicRegistration = true` as described in the [Neovim setup](README#Neovim)!
- ^tagCompletions
<summary>Tag Completions</summary>
- ^footnoteCompletions
<summary>Footnote Completions: easily link to the footnotes defined in the active file</summary>
- ^unresolvedCompletions
<summary>Unresolved File and Heading Completions</summary>
For those who like to reference things before they are written, `markdown-oxide` has terrific support for unresolved references! It provides completions for unresolved references, provides lsp_references for them, and provides code actions to create files + append headings.
- ^calloutCompletions
<summary>Callout Completions following Obsidian's callout syntax</summary>
<summary>Nested Callout Completions</summary>
<summary>Alias Completions</summary>
## Unimplemented Completions Features
- [ ] Subheading completions in the form `[[file#heading#subheading]]` from https://help.obsidian.md/Linking+notes+and+files/Internal+links#Link+to+a+heading+in+a+note (Note: right now you can link to subheadings through `[[file#subheading]]`)
- [ ] Headings in the current file
- [ ] Metadata completions
- [ ] Dataview completions
- [ ] Metadata tag completions
- [ ] \`\`\`query\`\`\` code block completions
- [ ] Semantic Search unindexed block completions
- [ ] Contextual linking completions using vector database
# References
- ^implReference
- ^backlinks
<summary>File References: Gets references to the file and all headings and blocks in the file</summary>
<summary>Heading References</summary>
<summary>Indexed Block References</summary>
- ^tagReferences
<summary>Tag References: Gets all references to the tag and subtags</summary>
- ^footnoteReferences
<summary>Footnote References: Navigate the uses of a footnote in the active file</summary>
<summary>Unresolved file and heading references</summary>
> [!NOTE]
> If in neovim, I strongly recommend using [Lspsaga](https://github.com/nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim) for references for two reasons. First because this LS sorts references by the date their files were modified and unlike `vim.lsp.buf.references()` and `Telescope lsp_references`, `Lspsaga finder` maintains this sorting order. Second it also allows you to edit the references in place, similar to Logseq
# Hover
- ^implHover
`markdown-oxide` provides a preview of the text for an item (if there is any) as well as a snapshot of the backlinks to the item (if applicable). You can hover over both references and referenceables -- hover over headings and links to headings; as well as files and links to files.
In the hover, several backlines to the referenceable are listed, ordered by date modified.
> [!NOTE]
> I write most of the content for a note not in the note itself, but in backlinks to the note; I also write in notes at times. Assuming content is both in backlinks and in written text, hover packages text and backlinks together to give a true preview of a referenceable.
<summary>Gif of Hover for both references and referenceables</summary>
# Code Actions
## Implemented Code Actions
- ^implCodeAction
- ^unresolvedLinkCodeAction
<summary>Create file for unresolved file link</summary>
<summary>Append heading to file and create the file if necessary</summary>
## Future Code Actions Features
- [ ] Link suggestions (by text match or other)
- [ ] Refactoring: Move headers or selections to a new file
- [ ] Link an unlinked reference
- [ ] Link all unlinked references to a referenceable
# Diagnostics
## Implemented Diagnostics
- ^implDiagnostics
Unresolved reference (no preview yet :( )
## Unimplemented Diagnostics
- [ ] Unlinked reference
# Symbols
## Implemented Symbols
- ^implSymbols
- File symbols: A hierarchical outline of headings and subheadings in the current file ^fileSymbols
- Workspace symbols: search everything linkable: files, headings, tags. ^workspaceSymbols
- Find all references to a tag by typing the tag name as a search term for workspace symbols ^workspaceTag
## Unimplemented Symbols
- [ ] Lists and indented lists
# Rename
- ^implRename
* ^renameLinked
<summary>(not zed) Rename File and all references</summary>
<summary>(not zed) Rename Heading and all references</summary>
<summary>(not zed) Rename Tag</summary>
# Daily Notes
- ^implDailyNoteComp
Daily Note link completions using natural language relative to the current date
- <details>
<summary>...for wikilinks</summary>
- <details>
<summary>...for markdown links</summary>
## Opening Daily Notes
- Opening Daily Notes ^8g4c9
* Open or create daily notes through a natural language relative name. `:Daily next tuesday`
+ The full specification for the relative name is [here](<Daily Notes#Opening Daily Notes>)
+ Some examples of this command in neovim following the [Neovim Setup](README#Neovim) below: ![[Daily Notes#^nvimrelativenamescmds]]
* Open or create daily notes through predefined relative names. `:Today`
+ The names are as follow: ![[Daily Notes#^predefinedNames]]
+ Each of these names have their own workspace commands